Smart Computational Imaging (SCI) Lab

Personal Resume






2018.09-2020.07   工程学、电子科技学硕士   西安交通大学,西安中国

2020.09-至今         光学工程 (博士生)   南京理工大学,导师:左超


2020-至今   中国政府奖学金攻读博士学位

2018-2020   中国政府奖学金攻读硕士学位

2012-2016   高等教育委员会奖学金,攻读学士学位


Matlab,MicrosoftVisio, OriginLab, Adobe Photoshop.


1. Ullah,Habib, et al. "Phase transition filter from controllable hybrid line shapeof correlation and squeezing of Pr3+: YPO4 and Eu3+: YPO4." Journalof Applied Physics 130.9 (2021): 093101.

2. Ullah,Habib, et al. "Dressed controlled filter with phase transitions of Eu3+:YPO4 and Pr3+: YPO4." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 129.6(2020): 64002.

3. Li,Sifan, Ullah, Habib, et al. "Temporal and spectral hybrid interferencefrom phase transition of Eu3+/Pr3+: YPO4 and evolution of amplifier andmultiplexer." Physics Letters A 404 (2021): 127400.(contributed equally as first author).

4. Raza,Faizan, et al. "Optical transistor and router application ofAutler–Townes-splitting in various solid atomic-like media." OpticsLetters 45.1 (2020): 240-243. (contributed as a co-author).

5. Raza,Faizan, et al. "Multi-channel router and logic NAND gate from multipleAutler–Townes splitting controlled by phase transition." RSCAdvances 10.26 (2020): 15239-15244. (contributed as a co-author).

6. Raza,Faizan, et al. "Phase transition of YPO4 crystal induced splitting of 5D0→7F1 of doped Eu3+ ions." Journal of Luminescence 229(2021): 117702. (contributed as a co-author).

7. Liu,Yang, et al. "Logic NOT gates of the intensity–noise correlation andsqueezing in a diamond nitrogen-vacancy center." JOSA B 36.10(2019): 2727-2734. (contributed as a co-author).

8. Raza,Faizan, et al. "Hybrid switch of correlation and squeezing using resonantand off-resonant excitation spectrum in nitrogen-vacancy centerdiamond." IEEE Photonics Journal 11.5 (2019): 1-10.(contributed as a co-author).

9. Fan,Huanrong, et al. "Three-type Fano interference controlled by the phasetransition of Eu3+/Pr3+: YPO4." New Journal of Physics 22.9(2020): 093008. (contributed as a co-author).

10.Wang,Ruimin, et al. "Multi-order quantum beating effect of three-photontemporal interference with nondegenerate fluorescence sources." Resultsin Physics 15 (2019): 102732. (contributed as a co-author).

11.Khan,Abubakkar, et al. "Controlling fluorescence and noise correlation byphonon and double dressing in two types of Pr 3+: YSO." JOSA B 36.8(2019): 1995-2000. (contributed as a co-author).

12.Imran,Al, et al. "Temperature switch and router of two and three-mode noisecorrelation in Pr3+: YSO crystal." Physica Scripta 94.12(2019): 125509. (contributed as a co-author).

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