Smart Computational Imaging (SCI) Lab

Personal Resume




   2013.09-2017.06         图片2.png 南京理工大学 电子科学与技术(本)

   2019.09-2024.06         图片2.png 南京理工大学 光学工程(硕博)   




[1] 相关研究成果发表期刊论文17篇,包括中科院一区论文5篇,中科院二区论文6篇,论文Google Scholar引用800余次

[2] 第一作者/共同一作期刊论文6篇,包括中科院一区论文3篇Advanced Photonics, PhotoniX, Photonics Research,中科院二区论文1篇Optics Letters

[3] 获中国授权发明专利6项,软件著作权1项

[4] 研究成果受到、SPIE Newsroom及中国激光杂志社等国内外科研媒体亮点报道

[5] 为中国光学学会COS)、国际光学工程学会(SPIE)与美国光学学会(OPTICA)等光学学术组织会员

[6] 担任Optics LetterMicrowave and Optical Technology Letters国际期刊审稿人

[7] 入选2022年光子与光学工程国际会议“青年女科学家奖”

[8] 研究成果获得OPTICAACS NANO高水平光学期刊引用并做出正面评价



[1] 2022年,第十九届王大珩“光学奖——学生奖”

[2] 2022年,光子与光学工程国际会议“青年女科学家奖”

[3] 2023年,日内瓦国际发明展“特别嘉许金奖”排名3/7

[4] 2022年,全国光学与光学工程博士生学术联赛全国百强“三等奖”

[5] 2022年,全国“优秀共青团员”

[6] 2021年,博士研究生“国家奖学金”

[7] 2021年,获批“南京理工大学优秀博士生培养对象”

[8] 2020年,获批“学校资助研究生出国(境)参加国际学术会议”

[9] 2019年,第五届全国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛“金奖”排名1/8

[10] 2019年,第十四届中国研究生电子设计大赛 全国总决赛“一等奖”排名2/5



[1] Linpeng Lu, et al. Hybrid brightfield and darkfield transport of intensity approach for high-throughput quantitative phase microscopy[J]. Advanced Photonics, 2022, 4(5): 056002.(SCI 收录一区,IF:17.3,Top Download of 2023.3)

[2] Linpeng Lu, et al. Accurate quantitative phase imaging by the transport of intensity equation: a mixed-transfer-function approach[J]. Optics Letters, 2021, 46(7): 1740-1743.(SCI 收录二区,IF:3.6)

[3] Linpeng Lu, et al. Quantitative phase imaging camera with a weak diffuser[J]. Frontiers in Physics, 2019, 7: 77. (SCI 收录三区,IF:3.524)

[4] Linpeng Lu, et al. High-throughput transport-of-intensity quantitative phase imaging with aberration correction.(Light: Advanced Manufacturing已接收待发表)

[5] Yao Fan#, Jiaji Li#, Linpeng Lu#, et al. Smart computational light microscopes (SCLMs) of smart computational imaging laboratory (SCILab) [J]. PhotoniX, 2021, 2, 1–64. (#共同一作,SCI 收录一区,IF:19.818)

[6] Yanbo Jin#, Linpeng Lu#, et al. Neural-field-assisted transport-of-intensity phase microscopy: partially coherent quantitative phase imaging under unknown defocus distance [J]. Photonics Research, 2024, 12(7): 1494-1501.(#共同一作, SCI 收录一区,IF:7.600)

[7] Yumin Wu, Linpeng Lu, et al. Autofocusing algorithm for pixel-super-resolved lensfree on-chip microscopy[J]. Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 139.(SCI收录三区,IF:3.560)

[8] Yanbo Jin, Jiaji Li, Linpeng Lu, et al. Semi-Supervised Learning-Based Immunological Detection and Uncertainty Estimation of TP53 Mutation for Gastric Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis.(IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging投稿中,SCI 收录一区,IF:11.037)

[9] Jie Zhou, Yanbo Jin, Linpeng Lu, et al. Deep learning-enabled super-resolved quantitative phase microscopy from single-shot pixel aliased intensity measurement. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2024, 18(1): 2300488.(SCI 收录一区,IF:11.000)

[10] Zhidong Bai, Qian Chen, Habib Ullah, Linpeng Lu, et al. Absorption and phase decoupling in transport of intensity diffraction tomography. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2022, 156, 107082. (SCI 收录二区,IF:5.395)

[11] Xuejuan Wu, Jiasong Sun, Jialin Zhang, Linpeng Lu, et al. Wavelength-scanning lensfree on-chip microscopy for wide-field pixel-super-resolved quantitative phase imaging[J]. Optics Letters, 2021, 46(9): 2023-2026. (SCI 收录二区,IF:3.662)

[12] Yang Chen, Xuejuan Wu, Linpeng Lu, et al. Single-shot lensfree on-chip quantitative phase microscopy with partially coherent LED illumination[J]. Optics Letters, 2022, 47(23): 6061-6064. (SCI 收录二区,IF:3.662)

[13] Chao Zuo, Jiaji Li, Jiasong Sun, Yao Fan, Jialin Zhang, Linpeng Lu, et al. Transport of intensity equation: a tutorial[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020: 106187. (SCI 收录二区,IF:5.395,Google Scholar引用397次)

[14]Jiaji Li, Qian Chen, Jialin Zhang, Yan Zhang, Linpeng Lu, et al. Efficient quantitative phase microscopy using programmable annular LED illumination. [J]. Biomedical optics express,2017,8(10). (SCI 收录二区,IF:4.066)

[15] Jiaji Li, Ning Zhou, Jiasong Sun, Shun Zhou, Zhidong Bai, Linpeng Lu, et al. Transport of intensity diffraction tomography with non-interferometric synthetic aperture for three-dimensional label-free microscopy. Light: Science & Applications, 2022, 11(1), 1-14.(SCI 收录一区,IF:18.5066,Google Scholar引用88次)

[16] 张润南,蔡泽伟,孙佳嵩,卢林芃,等。光场相干测量及其在计算成像中的应用[J]. 激光与光电子学进展,2021, 58(18):60. (DOI: 10.3788 /LOP202158.1811003)

[17] 范瑶,陈钱,孙佳嵩,张祖鑫,卢林芃,等。差分相衬显微成像技术发展综述[J]. 红外与激光工程,2019, 48(06):224-243. (DOI: CNKI: SUN: HWYJ.0.2019-06-015)


[1] 授权PCT国际发明专利《基于光强传输方程的相衬与微分干涉相衬的显微成像方法》,第二专利发明人

[2] 授权发明专利《一种基于LCOS空间光调制器的可编程孔径成像系统及超分辨方法》,第二专利发明人

[3] 授权发明专利《一种针对孔径编码超分辨光学传递函数的标定方法》,第六专利发明人

[4] 授权发明专利《一种三模态数字全息显微成像系统》,第六专利发明人

[5] 授权发明专利《一种基于最优照明模式设计下的差分相衬定量相位显微成像方法》,第六专利发明人

[6] 授权发明专利《全自动显微图像景深拓展系统及其方法》,第六专利发明人

[7] 公开发明专利《一种基于光强传输方程的散斑定量相位成像系统及其方法》,第二专利发明人

[8] 公开发明专利《一种基于光强传输方程的相干效应补偿方法》,第三专利发明人

[9] 公开发明专利《基于波长扫描的无透镜傅里叶叠层衍射层析显微成像方法》,第五专利发明人


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