Smart Computational Imaging (SCI) Lab


SCILab 智能计算成像实验室招聘博士后 Postdoc position available

发表时间:2022-08-31 17:28作者:左超来源:SCILab网址:

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Postdoctoral Position Available:

Smart Computational Imaging Laboratory (SCILab)

Nanjing University of Science andTechnology (NJUST)

1. Introduction of SCILab and PI

Smart Computational Imaging(SCI) Laboratory (SCILab: is affiliated to Nanjing University ofScience and Technology (NJUST). Itis operated by the Spectral Imaging and Information Processing Team (one of theInnovative Research Teams of the Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry ofEducation) and the first batch of the Huang Danian-Style Teacher Team in China.These two teams are led by Professor Qian Chen, Vice President of NJUSTand a distinguished Changjiang Scholar. We are an energetic research group thatworks on the development of new-generation computational imaging and sensingtechnologies. Driven by nationaldemand and supported by key research projects, our Lab is committed toexploring the mechanism of new-type optical imaging, the practice ofengineering, and the development of advanced instruments. Besides, our Lab alsoinvestigates how these technologies can be applied to the frontier of such fields as optical microscopy,optical metrology, life science, biomedicine, smart manufacturing, remotesensing, and national defense.

The PI of our Lab, Dr. Chao Zuo, is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Schoolof Electronic and Optical Engineering, NJUST, China. He is one of therecipients of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars andthe Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Jiangsu Province. In addition, hewas nominated as the highly cited Chinese researcher by Elsevier and World’sTop 2% Scientists by Stanford University for consecutive years. With a research focus on computational optical imaging andsensing techniques, he has made major breakthroughs in such fields as non-interferometricquantitative phase microscopy (QPM) and high-speed structured light 3D sensing.He has authored over 180 peer-reviewed journal publications, including 20papers as cover papers of Light, Optica, and other top journals and 18 papersas ESI’s highly cited papers. In total, these papers have been cited more than10,000 times.

Due to his seminal contributions to computationalphase imaging techniques, Prof. Zuo received the first prize of the TechnicalInvention Award of Chinese Society of Optical Engineering (CSOE) (2020), thefirst prize of the Science and Technology Award, Jiangsu, China (2020), and"Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury" at Geneva'sInternational Exhibition of Inventions (2022), etc. He is currently serving as theeditor of Optics and Lasers in Engineering, PhotoniX, Microwaveand Optical Technology Letters, Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, andother journals. He also serves as the youth editorial board member of Infraredand Laser Engineering and Chinese Laser Press. Under his guidance, studentsin our Lab have been nominated for National Excellent Dissertation in OpticalEngineering four times, and they have won the Wang Daheng Optical Award of theChinese Optical Society (COS) four times as well. In addition, he has also guided students to win national goldawards 10 times in college students' competitions such as "ChallengeCup", "Internet+", "Creation of Youth", and “Internetof Things”.

2. What we offer

1)   For postdocs, ¥300,000 to ¥350,000 per year (pre-tax),including the basic annual salary of ¥200,000 (pre-tax) and the scientific research award &year-end allowance according to theresearch performance.

2)   For finalists of the national “Postdoctoral Innovative Talent SupportProgram” and “Postdoctoral   International Exchange Program Introduction Project ”, ¥400,000to ¥450,000 per year (pre-tax), including the basic annual salary of ¥300,000(pre-tax) and scientific research award & year-end allowance according to the research performance.

3)   Staffing of public institutions, housing subsidies,medical insurance, endowment insurance, children’s education, and other benefit packages stipulated by our   country.

4)   House-renting allowance of ¥2000 per month for postdocs who rent a house.

5)   Medical insurance for foreign nationals coming to China for foreign postdocs.

6)   Our Lab strongly supports postdocs to apply forvarious scientific research projects such as the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province,and Postdoctoral   Science Foundation and provides necessary writing guidance. Postdocs have full control over the fund ofthe   project applied by themselves.

7)   Our Lab provides each postdoc with at least 2 Master/Ph.D. students to assist him/her in scientific   research.

8)   Our Lab strongly supports postdocs to carry out international collaboration and exchanges   and provides financial support forinternational conferences/short-term overseas collaboration research (no lessthan 2 per year).

9)   Postdocs with outstanding academic achievements have the priority to get a faculty position (tenure-track) at NJUST.After leaving the postdoc station, those who meet the conditions of talentintroduction in each college can apply for teaching positions at all levels of NJUST according to the procedures of talent   introduction.

10) Postdocs who meet the professional conditions stipulated by NJUST can participate in the latest

professional and technical position assessment.


The main research direction of our Lab is computational optical imaging andoptical information processing technology, which can be further divided intothree sub-directions: computational optical microscopy, high-speedthree-dimensional sensing using structured light, and computationaloptoelectronic imaging and sensing. We prefer you to have the followingqualifications:

1) Strong interestin frontier scientific exploration, ability to learn and apply new knowledge toscientific research, and strong team spirit.

2) Excellent written and spoken Chinese and Englishcommunication skills, at least 3 published SCI-index journal papers/richexperience in engineering and team management.

3) A Ph.D. degree (have obtained within the last 3years or be about to obtain) in related fields including optics, electronicinformation, biomedical engineering, computer science, etc.

4) No more than 35years old.

4.How to apply

The review of applications is ongoing and will continue untilthe position is filled. Interested applicants, please email your CV and representative publications to Dr. ChaoZuo. (

Any further query is welcome.


1. 实验室及负责人介绍

南京理工大学智能计算成像实验室(SCILab: www.scilaboratory.com隶属于南京理工大学副校长、长江学者陈钱教授领衔的“光谱成像与信息处理”教育部长江学者创新团队、首批“全国高校黄大年式教师团队”。实验室致力于研发新一代计算成像与传感技术,在国家重大需求牵引下开展新型光学成像的机理探索、工程实践以及先进仪器的研制工作,并开拓其在光学显微、光学计量、生命科学、生物医药、智能制造、遥感监测等领域的前沿应用。

实验室学术带头人左超教授为国家“优青”、江苏省“杰青”获得者,连续入选Elsevier中国高被引学者、斯坦福World’s Top 2% Scientists“终身影响力”和“年度影响力”榜单。研究方向为计算光学成像与光信息处理技术,在非干涉定量相位显微成像、高速结构光三维传感等领域取得系列研究成果。已在SCI源刊上发表论文180余篇,其中20篇论文被选作Light、Optica等期刊封面论文,18篇论文入选ESI高被引论文/热点论文,论文被引超过10000次。曾获中国光学工程学会技术发明一等奖、江苏省科学技术奖基础类一等奖、日内瓦国际发明展 “特别嘉许金奖”等。现任Optics andLasers in Engineering、PhotoniX、Microwave and OpticalTechnology Letters、《激光与光电子学进展》等期刊编辑,《红外与激光工程》、中国激光杂志社青年编委等。在他指导下,实验室研究生5次获全国光学工程优秀博士论文提名,4次获得中国光学学会王大珩光学奖,10次问鼎挑战杯、互联网+、创青春、物联网等大赛全国金奖。

2. 薪酬待遇

1)     统招博士后提供基础年薪20万(税前),课题组在此基础上根据研究业绩进行科研奖励年底津贴配套,总年薪为30-35万

2)     入选国家“博士后创新人才支持计划”“博士后国际交流计划引进项目”等的博士后,按照紫金博后聘任,学校提供税前年薪30万,课题组在此基础上根据研究业绩进行科研奖励年底津贴配套,总年薪为40-45万

3)     国家规定的博士后事业编制,在住房、医疗、养老等方面享受国家规定的福利待遇,并协助解决子女入托问题。

4)     为博士后在站期间提供2000元/月的租房补贴,以“高租高补”形式发放。

5)     为外籍博士后购买外籍来华人员医疗保险

6)     实验室大力支持博士后申请国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、博士后科学基金等各类科研项目并提供必要的撰写指导,博士后作为负责人申请到的项目具有经费自主控制权

7)     实验室为每位博士后配备不少于2名硕士/博士研究生协助其开展科研工作。

8)     实验室大力支持博士后开展国际合作交流,并每年提供不少于2次的国际会议/出国短期合作研究的资金支持

9)     学术成果优秀的博士后优先留校工作,出站后符合各学院人才引进条件的,可按人才引进程序申请学校各层次教师岗位。

10)   统招博士后满足学校专业技术职务评聘文件规定的业务条件的,可申请参加高级专业技术职务评定

3. 招聘要求


1)    对科学前沿探索的浓厚兴趣,对新知识的学习运用能力和强烈的团队协作精神;

2)    较强的中英文书面和口头表达能力,在研究领域发表过不少于3篇高水平SCI期刊论文,或者具有丰富的工程项目与团队管理经验

3)    在光学、电子信息、生物医学工程、计算机等专业获得(不超过三年)博士学位或即将获得博士学位;

4)    年龄不超过35周岁。

4. 联系方式


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