香港中文大学周仁杰教授受实验室左超教授邀请,将于北京时间5月20日下午14:30为我实验室以及电子工程与光电技术学院同学们作题为“Recent Advances on Quantitative Phase Microscopy for Biomedical Imaging and Material Metrology”的学术讲座。该讲座由我校国际合作基地赞助支持,会议地点为电光学院B205学术会议室,腾讯会议ID为851 55715247。 报告题目:Recent Advances on Quantitative Phase Microscopy for Biomedical Imaging and Material Metrology 报告人:周仁杰教授 报告摘要: Quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) is a label-free imaging technique, which has been widely applied to biomedical imaging and material metrology. In this talk, I will highlight several recent advances in QPM and their demonstrated applications from our group. I will first introduce our development of high spatiotemporal resolution synthetic aperture phase microscopy that can image and quantify millisecond-level fluctuations in living cells. I will further show our work on high-speed tomographic phase microscopy and its applications on high-speed three-dimensional (3D) cell imaging and characterization of 3D-printed structures. After that, I will talk about our recent work on single-frame label-free cell tomography with an unprecedented speed of >10,000 volumes/second. Then, I will move to our work on correlating the phase maps with clinically-relevant information with machine learning with an example on classifying leukocyte subtypes, which has achieved over 90% classification accuracy without using chemical reagents with cross-validation on human blood donors. Finally, I will present our results on pushing the phase sensitivity limit to ~2 picometers, which has laid the foundation to develop quantitative phase profilometry for mapping the thickness maps of 2D materials. To further demonstrate the potential of our QPM platforms, we are open to more research collaborations in the future. 个人介绍: Renjie Zhou has been recently promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he directs the Laser Metrology and Biomedicine Laboratory (LAMB). Prof. Zhou received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2014 and undertook postdoctoral training at MIT between 2014-2017. His research interest is in developing optical precision instruments for various research and industrial applications. He has published over 100 journal and conference papers and filed over 10 US and China patents with several licensed to industry, including his own startup that received the Rising Star Award at MIT Technology Review China in Life Science Start-up Competition. He has been involved in organizing > 20 international conferences as co-chairs/committee members, delivered >40 conference invited talks and seminars/colloquiums, and reviewed for >30 international journals. He is currently serving on the editorial boards of JOSA A, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, and International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing. He is a Senior Member of Optica and SPIE and a regular member of IEEE. He received the Croucher Innovation Awards in 2019. |