Smart Computational Imaging (SCI) Lab


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Publication List

Publication List


* full list can bealso found at

(*) : corresponding author(s), (§) : equally contributed authors, representative & award papers are marked in blue, review papers are marked in Bold Italic.







Wavelength-scanning pixel-super-resolved lens-free on-chip quantitative phase microscopy with a color image sensor

Photonic hook-assisted contrast-enhanced super-resolution imaging using Janus microspheres‍

The Advances and Applications of Characterization Technique for Exosomes: from dynamic light scattering to super-resolution‍‍

High-resolution, wide-field-of-view, and real-time 3D imaging based on spatial-temporal speckle projection profilometry with a VCSEL projector array

X. Wu, J. Sun, Y. Chen, J. Wei, Q. Chen, T. Poon, P. Gao*, and C. Zuo*

P. Zou, C. Xu, L. Zhi, S. Melinte, Z. Wang, C. Zuo, and R. Ye*

S. Wu,Y. Zhao,Z. Zhang,C. Zuo,H. Wu* and Y. Liu*

W. Yin, H. Zhao, Y. Ji, Z. Deng, Z Jin, S. Feng*, X. Zhang, H. Wang, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

APL Photonics 9(1) (2024)IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. (2024)Photonics 11(2), 101 (2024)

ACS Photonics 11(2), 498-511 (2024)

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Structured illumination fringe-pattern analysis based on digital twin and transfer learning

Advances in deep-tissue light-sheet fluorescence microscopy

Photoacoustic guided wavefront shaping using digital micromirror devices‍‍‍

High‐Speed Multi‐Modal Extended Depth‐of‐Field Microscopy with an Electrically Tunable Lens

Z. Jin, K. Xu, N. Zhang, X. Deng, C. Zuo, Q. Chen, and S. Feng*

X. Zhou, C. Zuo*, and Y. Liu*

J. Wu, T. Feng, Q. Chen, C. Zuo*, and H. Ma*

R. Zhang, N. Zhou, H. Tang, H Tang, M. Xia, Z. Cai, J. Sun, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 61(2): 04 (2024)

Laser Optoelectron. Prog. (2024)

Opt. Laser Technol. 174, 110570 (2024)

Laser & Photonics Reviews 18(4), 2300770 (2024)

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Structured light 3D imaging instrument for biological tissues with potential application in telemedicine

Initializing and accelerating Stereo-DIC computation using semi-global matching with geometric constraints

A cascaded deep network for reconstruction of structured illumination microscopy‍‍

Collimated phase measuring deflectometry

Y. Hu§, Z. Liang§, K. Wang, K. Gui, J. Zhang, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

W. Yin§, Y. Ji§, J. Chen, R. Li, S. Feng, Q. Chen, B. Pan*, Z. Jiang*, and C. Zuo*

X. Liu, J. Li, J. Li, N. Ali, T. Zhao, S. An, J. Zheng, Y. Ma, J. Qian, C. Zuo*, and P. Gao*

L. Huang*, T. Wang, C. Austin, L. Lienhard, Y. Hu, C. Zuo, D. Kim, M. Idir

IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 73, 5001411 (2024)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 172, 107879 (2024)

Optics Laser Technol. 170, 110224 (2024)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 172, 107882 (2024)

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Physics-informed deep learning for fringe pattern analysis

W. Yin§, Y. Che§, X. Li, M. Li, Y. Hu, S. Feng*, EY. Lam*, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Opto-Electronic Adv., 230034-1-230034-12 (2024)

Cover Article

Reported by EurekAlert!,, MirageNews, etc.

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‍Motion-resistant structured illumination microscopy based on principal component analysisLearning-based single-shot long-range synthetic aperture Fourier ptychographic imaging with a camera arrayDeepVID: deep-learning accelerated variationalimage decomposition model tailored to fringe pattern filtration‍‍Structured illumination microscopy based on principal component analysis

J. Lyu§, J. Qian§, K. Xu, Y. Huang, and C.Zuo*

B. Wang, S. Li, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

M. Cywińska*, K. Szumigaj, M. Kołodziej, K. Patorski, V. Mico, S. Feng, C. Zuo, and Trusiak, M

J. Qian, Y. Cao, Y. Bi, H. Wu, Y. Liu, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Opt. Lett. 48(1), 175-178 (2023)Opt. Lett. 48(2), 263-266 (2023)J. Opt. (2023) (in production)

eLight 3, 4 (2023)

Cover Feature

Opica Image of the week

Featured by Optica Publishing Group

Featured pick from editors

Cover Feature

Reported by EurekAlert!, Photonics Germany and the German Society for Applied Optics (DGaO), Wiley Industry News et al.

Featured on eLight

Commented by LSA

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Accurate quantitative phase imaging by differential phase contrast with partially coherent illumination: beyond weak object approximation

Reflectional quantitative differential phase microscopy using polarized wavefront phase modulation

Real-time and accurate monocular 3D sensor using the reference plane calibration and anoptimized SGM based on opencl acceleration‍‍Consistency analysis of focal stack-based light field reconstruction‍‍

Y. Fan, J. Sun, Y. Shu, Z. Zhang, Q. Chen*,and C. Zuo*

Y. Ma, T. Dai, L. Yu, L. Ma, S. An, Y. Wang, M. Liu, J. Zheng, L. Kong*, C. Zuo, and P. Gao*

W. Yin, L. Cao, H. Zhao, Y. Hu, S. Feng, X. Zhang, D. Shen, H. Wang, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Y. Liu, R. Zhang, S. Feng, C. Zuo*, Q. Chen, Z. Cai*

Photonics Res. 11, 442-455 (2023)J. Biophotonics, e202200325 (2023)Opt. Lasers Eng. 165, 107536 (2023)Opt. Lasers Eng. 165,107539 (2023)

Cover Feature

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‍Parallel synthetic aperture transport-of-intensity diffraction tomography with annular illumination

Focusing light with ametal film coated patchy particle

Reconstruction of structured illumination microscopy with an untrained neural network‍

Programmable Aperture Light‐Field Microscopy

H. Ullah§, J. Li§, S. Zhou, R. Ye. Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

C. Xu§, R. Ye§, P. Zou, T. Yang, S. Melinte, Z. Wang, and C. Zuo*

X. Liu, J. Li, X. Fang, J. Li, J. Zheng, J. Li, N. Ali, C. Zuo*, P. Gao*, S. An*

Z. Cai, R. Zhang, N. Zhou, Q. Chen*, and C.Zuo*

Opt. Lett. 48(7): 1638-1641 (2023)Opt. Express 31(6), 10894-10904 (2023)Opt. Commun.,129431 (2023)Laser Photonics Rev., 2200201 (2023)

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Speckle structured-light-based three-dimensional imaging technology and its sensor design using VCSEL projection array

Population Control of Upconversion Energy Transfer for Stimulation Emission Depletion Nanoscopy

Unifying temporal phase unwrapping framework using deep learning

Computational optical phase imaging: From digtial holographic interferometry to intensity diffraction tomography

W. Yin§, M. Li§, Y. Hu, S. Feng, X. Zhang, H. Wang, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Y. Liu*, S. Wen, F. Wang, C. Zuo, C. Chen, J. Zhou*, and D. Jin*

X. Guo§,Y. Li§, J. Qian, Y. Che, C. Zuo, Q. Chen, EY. Lam, H. Wang, and S Feng*

C. Zuo*, Q. Chen

Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 60(8), 0811014 (2023)

Adv. Sci., 2205990 (2023)

Opt. Express 31(10), 16659-16675 (2023)

Chin. Sci. Bull.: 1-4 (2023)
Cover Feature

Cover Article

Featured on AdvancedScienceNews

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Three-dimensional measurement system of fringe-structured light based on high-speed LED array

Fringe-pattern analysis with ensemble deep learning

Deep learning assisted variational Hilbert quantitative phase imaging

Quasi-isotropic high-resolution Fourier ptychographic diffraction tomography with opposite illuminations

X. Geng, J. Song, L. Zhang, C. Zuo, and M. Sun*

S. Feng, Y. Xiao, W. Yin, Y. Hu, Y. Li, C. Zuo*, and Q. Chen*

Z. Li, J. Sun, Y. Fan, Y. Jin, Q. Shen, M. Trusiak, M. Cywińska, P. Gao*, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

N. Zhou, J. Sun, R. Zhang, R. Ye, J. Li, Z. Bai, S. Zhou, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 60(8): 0811015-0811015-8 (2023)

Adv. Photon. Nexus 2(3),036010-036010 (2023)

Opto-Electronic Sci. 2(4), 220023-1-220023-11 (2023)

ACS Photonics 10(8), 2461–2466 (2023)

Featured on Adv. Photon. Nexus

Cover Article

Cover Article

Featured on ACS

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Real-time and accurate monocular 3D sensor using the reference plane calibration and an optimized SGM based on OpenCL acceleration

Real-time high-precision model reconstruction based on global optimization

‍‍On-Chip Mirror Enhanced Multiphoton Upconversion Super-Resolution Microscopy

Reconstruction of structured illumination microscopy with an untrained neural network

W. Yin, L. Cao, H. Zhao, Y. Hu, S. Feng*, X. Zhang, D. Shen, H. Wang, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

W. Yin, L. Cao, H. Zhao, Y. Hu, S. Feng*, X. Zhang, D. Shen, H. Wang, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Y. Liu*, J. Zhou, S. Wen, F. Wang, H. Wu, Q. Chen, C. Zuo*, and D. Jin

X. Liu, J. Li, X. Fang, J. Li, J. Zheng, J. Li, N. Ali, C. Zuo*, P. Gao*, and S. An*

Opt. Lasers in Eng. 165, 107536 (2023)

Chin. J. Liq. Cryst. Displays 38(6): 748, (2023)

Nano Lett. 23(12), 5514–5519 (2023)

Opt. Commun. 537, 129431 (2023)

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Deep learning-based quantitative phase microscopy

Complete transport of intensity equation for phase retrieval of optical vortex beams

Far‐field synthetic aperture imaging via Fourier ptychography with quasi‐plane wave illumination

Far-field computational optical imaging techniques based on synthetic aperture: a review

W. Wang, N. Ali, Y. Ma*, Z. Dong*, C. Zuo*, and P. Gao*

J. Zhang§, R. Zhang§, L. Tian, Z. Xie, J. Sun, S. Zhu, X. Yuan*, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

S. Li, B. Wang, K. Liang, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

S. Li, B. Wang, H. Guan, K. Liang, Y. Hu, Y. Zou, X. Zhang, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Front. Phys. 11, 1218147 (2023)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 168, 107682 (2023)

Adv. Photonics Res. 4, 2300180 (2023)

Opto-Electronic Eng., 230090-1-230090-26 (2023)

Cover Article

Cover Article

Invited review

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4D spectral-spatial computational photoacoustic dermoscopy

Deep learning‐enabled pixel‐super‐resolved quantitative phase microscopy from single‐shot aliased intensity measurement

Deep Learning-powered biomedical photoacoustic imaging

Y. Gao, T. Feng, H. Qiu, Y. Gu, Q. Chen, C. Zuo*, and H. Ma*

J. Zhou, Y. Jin, L. Lu, S. Zhou, H. Ullah, J. Sun, Q. Chen, R. Ye*, J. Li*, and C. Zuo*

X. Wei, T. Feng, Q. Huang*, Q. Chen, C. Zuo*, and H. Ma*

Photoacoustics 34(4), 100572 (2023)

Laser Photonics Rev., 2300488 (2023)

Neurocomputing, 127207 (2023)

Cover Article


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Exploiting optical degrees of freedom for information multiplexing in diffractive neural networksTransport of intensity diffraction tomography with non-interferometric synthetic aperture for three-dimensional label-free microscopy

Hybrid brightfield and darkfield transport of intensity approach for high-throughput quantitative phase microscopy‍‍

Deep learning in optical metrology: a review

C. Zuo*, and Q. Chen*

J. Li, N. Zhou, J. Sun, S. Zhou, Z. Bai, L. Lu, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

L. Lu§, J. Li§, Y. Shu, J. Sun, J. Zhou, E. Y. Lam*, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

C. Zuo*§, J. Qian§, S. Feng, W. Yin, Y. Li, P. Fan, K. Qian*, and Q. Chen*

Light. Sci. Appl. 11(1): 208, 1-4 (2022)Light. Sci. Appl. 11(1): 154, 1-14 (2022)Adv. Photonics 4(5), 056002 (2022)

Light. Sci. Appl. 11(1): 39, 1-54 (2022)

Invited news article

Invited paper for Special Issue on Biomedical Optics

Cover Feature

Reported by EurekAlert!

Featured on 10th Anniversary of LSA: Collection onOptical Imaging and Display

Featured on AP

Reported by SPIE

Cover Feature

Featured on LSA

Most Downloaded (1st) Articles of LSA

BEHIND THE PAPER reported in Nature Community

Reported by EurekAlert!, TechXplore et al.

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

Featured on 10th Anniversary of LSA: Collection on Optical Imaging and Display

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Adaptive optical quantitative phase imaging based on annular illumination Fourier ptychographic microscopy

Deep-learning-enabled dual-frequency composite fringe projection profilometry for single-shot absolute 3D shape measurement

Transport-of-intensity Fourier ptychographic diffraction tomography: defying the matched illumination condition‍‍

Efficient synthetic aperture for phaseless Fourier ptychographic microscopy with hybrid coherent and incoherent illumination

Y. Shu§, J. Sun§, J. L, Y. Fan, N. Zhou, R. Ye, G. Zheng*, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Y.Li§, J. Qian§, S. Feng, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

S. Zhou§, J. Li§, J. Sun, N. Zhou, H.Ullah, Z. Bai, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Y. Fan, J. Sun, Y. Shu, Z. Zhang, G. Zheng, W. Chen, J. Zhang, K. Gui, K. Wang, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

PhotoniX 3, 24 (2022)Opto-Electronic Adv. 5, 210021 (2022)

Optica 9, 1362-1373 (2022)

Laser Photonics Rev., 2200201 (2022)
Cover Feature

Cover Feature

Invited Paper

Reported by EurekAlert! et al.

Cover Feature

Reported by AdvancedScienceNews

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Resolution, super-resolution and spatial band width product expansion——some thoughts from the perspective of computational optical imaging

Robust frame-reduced structured illumination microscopy with accelerated correlation-enabled parameter estimation

Calibrationand rectification of bi-telecentric lenses in Scheimpflug condition

3D confocal photoacoustic dermoscopy with an autofocusing sono‐opto probe

C. Zuo*, and Q. Chen*

J. Qian§, Y. Cao§, K. Xu, Y. Bi, W. Xia, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Y.Hu, Z. Liang, S. Feng, W. Yin, J. Qian, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

H. Ma*, Z. Wang, C. Zuo, and Q. Huang*

Chin. Opt. 15(6): 1105-1166 (2022)

Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 153701 (2022)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 149, 106793 (2022)J. Biophotonics, e202100323 (2022)

Cover Feature

Inbited paper

Special Issue on Advances in Optical Microscopy for Bioimaging

Featured on APL

Reported by Scilight and APL

Cover Feature

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Multiscale confocal photoacoustic dermoscopy to evaluate skin health

Deep Learning Enabled Scalable Calibrationof a Dynamically Deformed Multimode Fiber

Microscopic fringe projection profilometry systems in Scheimpflug condition and performance comparisonSingle-Shot 360-Degree Cranial Deformity Detection System Using Digital Image Correlation

H. Ma*, Z. Wang, Z. Cheng, G. He, T. Feng, C. Zuo, and H. Qiu

P. Fan*, Y. Wang, M. Ruddlesden, X. Wang, M. A. Thaha, J. Sun, and C. Zuo*

Y. Hu*, K. Zheng, Z. Liang, S. Feng, and C. Zuo*

S. Liu, L. Yin, W. Yin, Y. Zhang*, and C. Zuo

Quant.Imaging Med. Surg. 12(5), 2696-2708 (2022)Adv. Photonics Res., 2100304 (2022)Surf. Topogr-Metrol., (2022).J. BIT, 31(2), 131-139 (2022)

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Review of computational optical microscopy imaging technology based on smartphone platform

Multimodal reconstruction of infrared and visible of infrared and visible images via deep learning

Absorption and phase decoupling in transport of intensity diffraction tomography

Phase-unwrapping-free 3D reconstruction in structured   light field system based on varied auxiliary point

Z. Zhang, Y. Fan, X. Xu, Y. Chen, J. Sun, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

B. Wang, Y. Zou, L. Zhang, Y. Li, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Z. Bai, Q. Chen, H Ullah, L. Lu, N Zhou, S. Zhou, J. Li, and C. Zuo*

P. Zhou, Y. Wang, Y. Xu, Z. Cai*, and C. Zuo*

Infrared Laser Eng. 51(2), 20220095-1-20220095-36 (2022). (in Chinese)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 156, 107076 (2022)Opt. Lasers Eng. 156, 107082 (2022)

Opt. Express, 30(17): 29957-29968 (2022)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational optical imaging technology

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Deep Learning-Based 3D Measurements with Near-Infrared Fringe Projection

High-throughput artifact-free slightly off-axis holographic imaging based on Fourier ptychographic reconstruction

Generation of Photonic Hooks under Point-Source Illumination from Patchy Microcylinders‍‍

Simulation of the near-field focusing and the far-field imaging of microspherical lenses: A review

J. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Ji, J. Qian, Y. Che, Q. Chen, C. Zuo, and S. Feng*

Q. Shen, J. Sun, Y. Fan, Z. Li, P. Gao*, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Q. Shang, C. Xu, F. Tang, J. Li, Y. Fan, C. Yuan, Z. Wang, C. Zuo, and R. Ye*

R. Ye, C. Xu, F. Tang, Q. Shang, Y. Fan, J. Li, Y. Ye, and C. Zuo*

Sensors 22(17), 6469 (2022)Front. Photonics, 3: 936561 (2022)Photonics , 9(9), 667 (2022)

Infrared Laser Eng. 51(2), 20220086-1-20220086-13 (2022). (in Chinese)

Invited Paper

Invited Paper

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational optical imaging technology

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Computational optical imaging: An overview

Accelerated Fourier ptychographic diffraction tomography with sparse annular LED   illuminations

Single-exposure 3D label-free microscopy based on color-multiplexed intensity diffraction tomography

High Band width-Utilization Digital Holographic Reconstruction Using an Untrained Neural Network

C. Zuo, and Q. Chen*

S. Zhou§, J. Li§, J. Sun, N. Zhou, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

N. Zhou§, J. Li§, J. Sun, R. Zhang, Z. Bai, S. Zhou, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Z. Li, Y. Chen, J. Sun, Y. Jin, Q. Shen, P. Gao*, and C. Zuo*

Infrared Laser Eng. 51(2), 20220110-1-20220110-184 (2022). (in Chinese)

J. Biophotonics, e202100272 (2022)Opt. Lett. 47(4), 969-972 (2022)

Appl. Sci. 12(20), 10656 (2022)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational optical imaging technology

Most Downloaded (1st) Articles of IRLA since 2022

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Invited Paper

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Single-shot lensfree on-chip quantitative phase microscopy with partially coherent LED illumination

Live-cell analysis framework for quantitative phase imaging with slightly off-axis digital holographic microscopy

Model-based deep learning for fiber bundle infrared image restoration‍‍

Composite fringe projection deep learning profilometry for single-shot absolute 3D shape measurement

Y. Chen, X. Wu, L. Lu, J. Wei, Y. Wu, Q. Chen*,and C. Zuo*

S. Qian, Z. Li, J. Sun, Y. Fan, Y. Chen, H. Gu, P.Gao*, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

B. Wang§, L. Li§, W. Yang, J. Chen, Y. Li, Q.Chen, and C. Zuo*

Y. Li, J. Qian, S, Feng, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Opt. Lett. 47(23), 6061-6064 (2022)

Front. Photonics 3:1083139 (2022)

Def. Technol. (2022)

Opt. Express 30(3), 3424-3442 (2022)

Invited Paper

Cover Feature

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Computational optical imaging: An overview

High Band width-Utilization Digital Holographic Reconstruction Using an Untrained Neural Network

Single-shot lensfree on-chip quantitative phase microscopy with partially coherent LED illumination

C. Zuo, and Q. Chen*

Z. Li, Y. Chen, J. Sun, Y. Jin, Q. Shen, P. Gao*, and C. Zuo*

Y. Chen, X. Wu, L. Lu, J. Wei, Y. Wu, Q. Chen*,and C. Zuo*

Infrared Laser Eng. 51(2), 20220110-1-20220110-184 (2022). (in Chinese)

Appl. Sci. 12(20), 10656 (2022)

Opt. Lett. 47(23), 6061-6064 (2022)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational optical imaging technology

Most Downloaded (1st) Articles of IRLA since 2022

Featured pick by editors

Invited Paper

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Deep-learning-based fringe-pattern analysis with uncertainty estimation

Optical-Field Coherence

Measurement and Its Applications in Computational Imaging

Smart computational light microscopes (SCLMs) of smart

computational imaging

laboratory (SCILab)

Super-resolution imaging with patchy microspheres

S. Feng, C. Zuo*, Y. Hu, Y. Li, and Q. Chen

R. Zhang, Z. Cai*, J. Sun, L. Lu, H. Guan, Y. Hu, B. Wang, N. Zhou, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Y. Fan§, J. Li§, L. Lu§, J. Sun§, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, Z. Li, Q. Shen, B. Wang, R. Zhang, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

Q. Shang§, F. Tang§, L. Yu, H. Oubaha, D. Caina, S. Yang, S.Melinte, C. Zuo, Z. Wang, and R. Ye*

Optica 8(12), 1507-1510 (2021)

Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 58(18), 1811003 (2021). (in Chinese)

PhotoniX 2(19), 165 (2021)

Photonics 8(11), 513 (2021)

Cover Feature

Most Downloaded Articles in Optica Dec, 2021

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Invited Review for Special Issue of Advanced Imaging

Most Popular Article in Special Issue

Most (1st) Downloaded Articles, the most beautiful cover, and Editor's Recommendation Award   of LOP 2021

Top 10 (1st) Highlight Original Articles of Chinese Laser New Media in 2021

Reported by PhotoniXHighlighted by MDPI
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Generation of photonic hooks from patchy microcylinders

Accurate quantitative phase imaging by the transport of intensity equation: amixed-transfer-function approach

Optimization analysis of partially coherent illumination forrefractive index tomographic microscopy


Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on a Multi-Scale Features Extraction Network

F. Tang§, Q. Shang§, S. Yang, T. Wang, S. Melinte, C. Zuo, and R. Ye*

L. Lu, Y. Fan, J. Sun, J. Zhang, X. Wu, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

J. Li, N. Zhou, Z. Bai, S. Zhou, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

B. Wang§, Y. Zou§, L. Zhang, Y. Hu, H. Yan, C.Zuo*, and Q. Chen

Photonics 8(11), 466 (2021)

Opt. Lett. 46(7), 1740-1743 (2021)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 143, 106624 (2021)

Photonics 8, 321 (2021)

Cover Feature

Invited Article for Special Issue of Photonic Jet: Science and Application

Most (2nd) Downloaded Articles of OLEN 2021

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Generalized framework for non-sinusoidal fringe analysis

using deep learning

Deep Density: Convolutional neural network based estimation of local fringe pattern density

Autofocusing algorithm for pixel-super-resolved lensfree

on-chip microscopy

Wavelength-scanning lensfree on-chip microscopy for wide-field pixel-super-resolved

quantitative phase imaging

S. Feng, C. Zuo*, L. Zhang, W. Yin, and Q. Chen*

M. Cywińska*, F. Brzeski, W. Krajnik, K. Patorski, C. Zuo, and M. Trusiak*

Y. Wu, L. Lu, J. Zhang, Z. Li, and C. Zuo*

X. Wu, J. Sun, J. Zhang, L. Lu, R. Chen, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Photonics Res. 9(6), 1084--1098 (2021)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 145, 106675 (2021)

Front. Phys. 9, 139 (2021)

Opt. Lett. 46(9), 2023-2026 (2021)

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

Invited Article for Special Issue of Optical Microscopic and Spectroscopic Techniques Targeting Biological Applications

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[PDF 4.24MB]

[PDF 2.92MB]

[PDF 10.11MB]| [Supp 8.13MB]   


Single-shot 3D shape measurement using an end-to-end stereo matching network for speckle projection profilometry

Calibration of fringe projection profilometry: A comparative review

W. Yin, Y. Hu, S. Feng, L. Huang, K. Qian, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

S. Feng, C. Zuo*, L. Zhang, T. Tao, Y. Hu, W. Yin, J. Qian, and Q. Chen*

Opt. Express 29(9), 13388-13407 (2021)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 143, 106622 (2021)

Most (2nd) Downloaded Articles of OLEN 2021

ESI Highly Cited Paper

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Resolution-enhanced intensity diffraction tomography in high numerical aperture label-free microscopy

High-resolution real-time 360° 3D surface defectinspection with fringe projection profilometry

Single-shot color object reconstruction through scattering medium based on neural network

Composite deep learning framework for absolute 3D shape measurement based on single fringe phase retrieval and speckle correlation

J. Li, A. Matlock, Y. Li, Q. Chen, L. Tian, and C.Zuo*

J. Qian, S. Feng, M. Xu, T. Tao, Y. Shang, Q.Chen, and C. Zuo*

E. Guo, Y. Sun, S. Zhu, D. Zheng, C. Zuo,L. Bai, and   J. Han*

W. Yin, J. Zhong, S. Feng, T. Tao, J. Han, L.Huang, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Photonics Res. 8, 1818-1826 (2020)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 137, 106382 (2020)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 136, 106310 (2020)

J. Phys. Photonics 2(4), 045009 (2020)

Invited Article for Special Issue of Emerging Leader collection 2020

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[PDF 2.46MB]| [Supp 14.17MB]

[PDF 2.26MB]

[PDF 2.19MB]


Speckle projection profilometry with deep learning

Has 3D finally come of age? --- An introduction to 3D structured-light sensor

Deep Learning Based Computational Imaging:

Status, Challenges, and Future

Application of deep learning technology tofringe projection 3D imaging

J. Zhong, W. Yin, S. Feng, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo*

C. Zuo*, X. Zhang, Y. Hu, W. Yin, D. Shen, J. Zhong, J. Zheng, and Q. Chen

C. Zuo*, S. Feng, X. Zhang, J. Han, and Q. Chen

S. Feng*, C. Zuo, W. Yin, and Q. Chen

Infrared Laser Eng. 49(6), 20200011-1-20200011-11 (2020). (in Chinese)

Infrared Laser Eng. 49(3), 0303001-0303001-45 (2020). (in Chinese)

Acta Optica Sin. 40(1), 0111003 (2020). (in Chinese)

Infrared Laser Eng. 49(3), 0303018-0303018-17 (2020). (in Chinese)

Cover Feature

Invited Review for Special Issue of Optical 3D imaging and sensing

Most (1st) Downloaded/Cited Articles of IRLA 2020

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational optical imaging

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Invited Review for Special Issue of Optical 3D imaging and sensing

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Transport of intensity equation: a tutorial

Microscopic fringe projection profilometry: A review

High-speed high dynamic range 3D shape measurement based on deep learning

Variational Hilbert Quantitative Phase Imaging

C. Zuo*, J. Li, J. Sun, Y. Fan, J. Zhang, L. Lu, R. Zhang, B. Wang, L. Huang, and Q. Chen*

Y. Hu, Q. Chen*, S. Feng, and C. Zuo*

L. Zhang, Q. Chen*, C. Zuo, and S. Feng*

M. Trusiak, M. Cywińska, V. Mico, J. A. Picazo-Bueno, C. Zuo,

P. Zdankowski, and K. Patorski*

Opt. Lasers Eng. 135, 106187 (2020)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 135, 106192 (2020)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 134, 106245 (2020)

Sci. Rep. 10, 1-16 (2020)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Review of Recent Advances in Optical Measurement Techniques

Most (1st) Downloaded Articles of OLEN 2020

Most Cited Articles of OLEN 2020-

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

Invited Review for Special Issue of Review of Recent Advances in Optical Measurement Techniques

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Most (1st) Cited Articles of OLEN since 2020

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

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High-resolution and large field-of-view Fourier ptychographic microscopy and its applications in biomedicine

Real-time high dynamic range 3D measurement using fringe projection

Multi-pitch self-calibration measurement using anano-accuracy surface profiler for X-ray mirror metrology

Deep learning-based fringe modulation-enhancing method for accurate fringe projection profilometry

A. Pan, C. Zuo*, and B. Yao*

L. Zhang, Q. Chen*, C. Zuo, and S. Feng*

L. Huang*, T. Wang, J. Nicolas, F. Polack, C. Zuo, K. Nakhoda, and M. Idir*

H. Yu, D. Zheng, J. Fu, Y. Zhang, C. Zuo, and J. Han*

Rep. Prog. Phys. 83 (9), 096101 (2020)

Opt. Express 28(17), 24363-24378 (2020)

Opt. Express 28(16), 23060-23074 (2020)

Opt. Express 28(15), 21692-21703 (2020)

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On a universal solution to the transport-of-intensity equation

Deep-learning-enabled geometric constraints andphase unwrapping for single-shot absolute 3D shape measurement

Wide-field high-resolution 3D microscopy withFourier ptychographic diffraction tomography

Single-shot absolute 3D shape measurement with deep-learning-based color fringe projection profilometry

J. Zhang, Q. Chen, J. Sun, L. Tian, and C. Zuo*

J. Qian, S. Feng, T. Tao, Y. Hu, Y. Li, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo*

C. Zuo§*, J. Sun§, J.Li, A. Asundi, and Q. Chen*

J. Qian, S. Feng, Y. Li, T. Tao, J. Han, Q.Chen, and C. Zuo*

Opt. Lett. 45(13), 3649-3652 (2020)

APL Photonics 5(4), 046105 (2020)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 128, 106003 (2020)

Opt. Lett. 45(7), 1842-1845 (2020)

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

APL Photonics virtual special issue on Photonics and AI

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Dynamic3-D measurement based on fringe-to-fringe transformation using deep learning

Resolution analysis in a lens-free on-chipdigital holographic microscope

Learning-based method to reconstruct complextargets through scattering medium beyond the memory effect

H. Yu, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, C. Zuo, Y. Zhang, D. Zheng, and J. Han*

J. Zhang, J. Sun, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*

E. Guo, S. Zhu, Y. Sun, L. Bai, C. Zuo, and J. Han*

Opt. Express 28(7), 9405-9418 (2020)

IEEE Trans. Comput. Imaging 6, 697-710 (2020)

Opt. Express 28(2), 2433-2446 (2020).

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

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Temporal phase unwrapping using deep learning

Review of the development of differential phase contrast microscopy

Lens-free on-chip microscopy: theory, advances, and applications

3D imaging based on depth measurement

W. Yin, Q. Chen*, S. Feng, T. Tao, L. Huang, M. Trusiak, A. Asundi, and C. Zuo*

Y. Fan, Q. Chen, J. Sun, Z. Zhang, L. Lu, and C.Zuo*

J. Zhang, Q. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Sun, and C.Zuo*

N. Chen*, C. Zuo, and B. Lee

Sci. Rep. 9, 20175 (2019)

Infrared Laser Eng. 48(6), 603014-0603014 (2019). (in Chinese)

Infrared Laser Eng. 48(6), 603009-0603009(2019). (in Chinese)

Infrared Laser Eng. 48(6), 603013-0603013(2019). (in Chinese)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational Optical Imaging Technology and Application

Cover Feature

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational Optical Imaging Technology and Application

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational Optical Imaging Technology and Application

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[PDF 1.60MB]

Review of the development and application of deformation measurement based on digital holography and digital speckle interferometry                 

High-speed in vitro intensity diffraction   tomography

Single-shot isotropic quantitative phasemicroscopy based on color-multiplexed differential phase contrast

Calibration method for panoramic 3D shape measurement with plane mirrors

H. Yan*, J. Long, C. Liu, S. Pan, C. Zuo, and P. Cai

J. Li§, M. Alex§, Y. Li,Q. Chen, C. Zuo*, and L. Tian*

Y. Fan*, J. Sun, Q. Chen*, X. Pan, M. Trusiak, andC.Zuo*

W. Yin, S. Feng, T. Tao, L. Huang, S. Zhang, Q.Chen*, and C. Zuo *

Infrared Laser Eng. 48(6), 603010-0603010 (2019). (in Chinese)

Adv. Photonics 1(6), 066004 (2019)

APL Photonics 4(12), 121301 (2019)

Opt. Express 27(25), 36538-36550 (2019)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Computational Optical Imaging Technology and Application

Cover Feature

Featured on CLP Publishing

Cover Feature

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[PDF 23.89MB]| [Supp 5.72MB]

Two-dimensional stitching interferometry for self-calibration of high-order additive systematic errors

High-resolution real-time 360° 3D modelreconstruction of a handheld object with fringe projection profilometry

Optimal illumination

scheme for isotropicquantitative differential phase contrast microscopy

Quantitative phase imaging camera with a weak diffuser

L. Huang*, T. Wang, J. Nicolas, A. Vivo, F. Polack, M. Thomasset, C. Zuo, K. Tayabaly, D. Kim, and M. Idir

J. Qian, S. Feng, T. Tao, Y. Hu, K. Liu, S. Wu, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Y. Fan§, J. Sun§, Q. Chen, L. Tian, and C. Zuo*

L. Lu, J. Sun, J. Zhang, Y. Fan, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo*

Opt. Express 27(19), 26940-26956 (2019)

Opt. Lett. 44(23), 5751-5754 (2019)

Photonics Res. 7(8), 890-904 (2019)

Front. Phys. 7, 77 (2019)

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Dynamic 3D measurement of thermal deformation

based on geometric-constrained stereo-matching with a stereo-microscopic system

Microscopic 3D measurement of shiny surfaces based on a multi-frequency phase-shifting scheme

Micro deep learning profilometry for high-speed 3D surface imaging

Enhancing single-shot fringe pattern phase demodulation using advanced variational image decomposition

Y. Hu, Y. Liang, T. Tao, S. Feng, C. Zuo*, Y Zhang, and Q Chen

Y. Hu, Q Chen*, Y Liang, S Feng, T Tao, and C. Zuo*

S. Feng, C. Zuo*, W. Yin, G. Gu, and Q. Chen*

M. Cywińska*, M. Trusiak*, C. Zuo, and K. Patorski

Meas. Sci. Technol. 30 (12), 125007 (2019)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 122, 1-7 (2019)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 121, 416-427 (2019)

J. Opt. 21(4), 045702 (2019)

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[PDF 3.09MB]

High dynamic range 3D shape measurement based on time domain super position

Automatic high order aberrations correction for digital holographic microscopy based on orthonormal polynomials fitting over irregular shaped aperture

Vignetting effect in Fourier ptychographic microscopy

Fringe pattern analysis using deep learning

L. Zhang, Q. Chen*, C. Zuo*, T. Tao, Y. Zhang, and S. Feng*

Z. Yang, Z. Liu*, W. He, J. Dou, X. Liu, and C. Zuo,

A. Pan, C. Zuo*, Y. Xie, M. Lei, and B. Yao*

S. Feng, Q. Chen*, G. Gu, T. Tao, L. Zhang, Y. Hu, W. Yin, and C. Zuo*

Meas. Sci. Technol. 30(6), 065004 (2019)

J. Opt. 21(4), 045609 (2019).

Opt. Lasers Eng. 120, 40-48 (2019)

Adv. Photonics 1(2), 025001 (2019)

Cover Feature

Featured on SPIE/ CLP Publishing

ESI Highly Cited Paper

CLP Editor’s pick

Most Downloaded/ Cited (1st) Articles of AP 2019-

Most popular paper of metrology category f SPIE

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High-speed 3D shape measurement using the optimized composite fringe patterns and stereo-assisted structured light system


dynamic 3D shape measurement with hybrid Fourier-transform phase-shifting profilometry

High-speedthree-dimensional shape measurement based on cyclic complementary Gray-code light

Multi-step phase aberration compensation method based on optimal principal component analysis and subsampling for digital holographic microscopy

W. Yin, S. Feng, T. Tao, L. Huang,

M. Trusiak, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

J. Qian, T. Tao, S. Feng, Q. Chen, and

C. Zuo*

Z. Wu, C. Zuo*, W. Guo, T. Tao, and   

Q. Zhang*

X. Zhang§, J. Sun§, Z. Zhang, Y. Fan, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*

Opt. Express 27(3), 2411-2431 (2019)

Opt. Express 27(3), 2713-2731 (2019)

Opt. Express 27(2), 1283-1297(2019)

Appl. Opt. 58(2), 389-397 (2019)

Cover Feature

Selected for OSA Image of the Week

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[PDF 1.57MB]

A new microscopic telecentric stereo vision system-Calibration, rectification, and three-dimensional reconstruction

High-speed three-dimensional shape measurement using geometry-constraint-based number-theoretical phase unwrapping

Y. Hu, Q. Chen, S. Feng, T. Tao, A. Asundi, and C. Zuo*

W. Yin, C. Zuo*, S. Feng, T. Tao, Y. Hu, L. Huang, J. Ma, and Q. Chen

Opt. Lasers Eng. 113, 14-22 (2019)Opt. Lasers Eng. 115, 21-31 (2019)

[PDF 2.47MB]

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High dynamic range 3D shape measurement based on the intensity response function of a camera

Dual-mode phase and fluorescence imaging with a confocal laser scanning microscope

High dynamic range 3D measurements with fringe projection profilometry: a review

3D Imaging Based on Depth Measurement Technologies

L. Zhang, Q. Chen, C. Zuo, and

S. Feng*

J. Zheng, C. Zuo, P. Gao, and

G. Nienhaus*

S. Feng*, L. Zhang, C. Zuo, T. Tao,

Q. Chen, and   G. Gu

N. Chen§, C. Zuo§, E. Lam, and B. Lee*

Appl. Opt. 57(6), 1378-1386 (2018)

Opt. Lett. 43(22), 5689-5692 (2018)

Meas. Sci. Technol. 29(12),

122001 (2018)

Sensors 18(11), 3711 (2018)

Top Downloads in Optics Letters, Nov 2018

Most Cited Articles of MST 2018-

Top 1% most-cited papers in IOP Publishing’s review journals 2018-2020

Invited Review for Special Issue of Depth Sensors and 3D Vision

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Phase shifting algorithms for fringe projection profilometry: A review

Optimal illumination pattern for transport-of-intensity quantitative phase microscopy

Wide-field anti-aliased quantitative differential phase contrast microscopy

Two-dimensional stitching interferometry based on tilt measurement

C. Zuo*, S. Feng, L. Huang, T.Tao,

W. Yin, and Q. Chen*

J. Li, Q. Chen*, J. Sun, J. Zhang, X. Pan, and C. Zuo*

Y. Fan§, J. Sun§, Q. Chen*, J. Zhang, and C. Zuo*

L. Huang*, M. Idir, C. Zuo, T. Wang, K. Tayabaly, and E. Lippmann

Opt. Lasers Eng. 109, 23-59 (2018)

Opt. Express 26(21), 27599-27614 (2018)

Opt. Express 26(19), 25129-25146 (2018)

Opt. Express 26(18), 23278-23286 (2018)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Progress in Photomechanics

Most Cited (1st) Articles of OLEN 2018-

Most Downloaded Articles of OLEN 2018-

ESI Highly Cited Paper & Hot Paper

Selected for OSA Image of the Week

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Review of phase measuring deflectometry

High-speed real-time 3D shape measurement based on adaptive depth constraint

Lensfree dynamic super-resolved phase imaging based on active micro-scanning

Single-shot quantitative phase microscopy based on color-multiplexed Fourier ptychography

L. Huang*, M. Idir, C. Zuo, and

A. Asundi

T. Tao, Q. Chen*, S. Feng, J. Qian,

Y. Hu, L. Huang, and C. Zuo*

J. Zhang, Q. Chen*, J. Li, J. Sun, and

C. Zuo*

J. Sun, Q. Chen*, J. Zhang, Y. Fan, and C. Zuo*

Opt. Lasers Eng. 107, 247-257 (2018)

Opt. Express 26(17), 22440-22456 (2018)

Opt. Lett. 43(15), 3714-3717 (2018)

Opt. Lett. 43(14), 3365-3368 (2018)

Invited Review for Special Issue of Progress in Photomechanics

Top Downloads in Optics Letters, July 2018

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Active depth estimation from defocus using a camera array

Three-dimensional tomographic microscopy technique with multi-frequency combination with partially coherent illuminations

High-speed Fourier ptychographic microscopy based on programmable annular illuminations

Robust dynamic 3D measurements with motion-compensated phase-shifting profilometry

T. Tao, Q. Chen*, S. Feng, Y. Hu, and

C. Zuo*

J. Li, Q. Chen*, J. Sun, J. Zhang, J. Ding, and C. Zuo*

J. Sun, C. Zuo*, J. Zhang, Y. Fan, and

Q. Chen*

S. Feng*, C. Zuo, T. Tao, Y. Hu,

M. Zhang, Q. Chen, and G. Gu

Appl. Opt. 57(18), 4960-4967 (2018)

Biomed. Opt. Express 9(6), 2526-2542 (2018)

Sci. Rep. 8(1), 1-12 (2018)

Opt. Lasers Eng. 103, 127-138 (2018)

ESI Highly Cited Paper

Most Cited Articles of OLEN 2018

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Optimal wavelength selection strategy in temporal phase unwrapping with projection distance minimization

Micro Fourier Transform Profilometry (μFTP): 3D shape measurement at 10,000 frames per second

Dynamic microscopic 3D shape measurement based on marker-embedded Fourier transform profilometry

H. Li, Y. Hu, T. Tao, S. Feng, M. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and C. Zuo*

C. Zuo*, T. Tao, S. Feng, L. Huang,

A. Asundi, and Q. Chen*

Y. Hu, Q. Chen, Y. Zhang, S. Feng,

T. Tao, H. Li, W. Yin, and C. Zuo*

Appl. Opt. 57(10), 2352-2360 (2018)Opt. Lasers Eng. 102, 70-91 (2018)Appl. Opt. 57 (4), 772-780 (2018)

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